Hogwarts Train to Civic Engagement

After reading and learning about the good work of the Harry Potter Alliance (HPA), I was still completely shocked that I had never heard of it before. I’ve read the books multiple times, watched the movies even more times, and have also visited the Wizarding World of HP. This is something I could completely see myself supporting through advocacy and volunteering. The approach of using “cultural acupuncture” (Slack, 2010) to create a bridge between Harry Potter fandom and civic participation makes becoming an activist seem more approachable. It’s also a way to find and meet other people in your community, who all share some common interests.

I peaked around the HPA website a little bit and found the campaign A World #WithoutHermione to be particularly interesting. This specific campaign by HPA advocates against gender inequality in the classroom by partnering with She’s the First, an organization that works on helping to make sure girls graduate.

They also include information for donating to withouthermione.org, that is used for sending girls to school and activists out into the communities!